Home » News and Views » UK Investor Magazine Podcast -CEO Alan Green discusses AstraZeneca, Georgia Capital and Vela Technologies

UK Investor Magazine Podcast -CEO Alan Green discusses AstraZeneca, Georgia Capital and Vela Technologies

Alan Green joins the Podcast as we delve into key markets theme and a number of UK equities.

We discuss:

  • AstraZeneca (LON:AZN)
  • Georgia Capital (LON:CGEO)
  • Vela Technologies (LON:VELA)

We start by looking at potential catalysts for markets as we move into the winter.

AstraZeneca has reported a solid set of third quarter results as the company sees the benefits of higher cancer drug sales.

Georgia Capital has been trading at deep discount to NAV and Alan outlines why he sees strength in the business going forward.

Vela Technologies shares jumped this week as they announced the IPO of a portfolio company on the NASDAQ.

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