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VVV Resources (VVV)

VVV Resources Limited (formerly Veni Vidi Vici Limited) is a junior exploration company listed on the Aquis Stock Exchange in London

Focused on identifying opportunities and acquisitions in the precious and base metals resources sector VVV listed on the AQUIS STOCK EXCHANGE (AQSE) Growth market, having raised gross funds of £600,000 through equity placings in December 2017 and July 2018 for future acquisitions in accordance with its investment strategy to identify investment opportunities and acquisitions in companies involved in exploration and development in the Precious Metals and Base Metals sectors in Australia, Western Europe and North America.

In December 2018 the Company completed its first investment, with the signing of the sale and purchase agreement with Goldfields Consolidated Pty Ltd for a 51 % beneficial interest in the Shangri La gold, copper and silver project in consideration for A$220,000. VVV and Goldfields entered into a JV agreement under which Goldfields will manage the joint venture and be entitled to a 10% management fee of expenses incurred by the JV.

The Shangri La Project is a gold-copper-silver project comprising a polymetallic hydrothermal quartz vein type deposit covering an area of 10 hectares and located 10 km west of Kununurra, the central town of the Northeast Kimberley region in Western Australia.

On October 12 2023, VVV signed an unconditional Share Purchase Agreement with a consortium of owners, to acquire the Mitterberg Copper Project in Austria for a consideration of £350,000. The Mitterberg Copper Project is located approximately 60 kilometres south of Salzburg, Austria and comprises 198 contiguous exploration licences over an area of some 90 square kilometres.

Mitterberg is considered the largest copper occurrence in the area defined as the Eastern Alps and is considered a “brownfield” site. It is reported that copper mining commenced during prehistoric times and recommenced around 1830 until 1977 when the mines were closed due to low copper prices at the time. According to historic data, more than 120,000 tonnes of copper have been extracted and during the 1970’s it is reported that approximately 200,000 tonnes of copper-rich mineralisation with an average copper grade of 1.4% was mined annually.

Executive Chairman Jim Williams discusses the Mitterberg Copper project with Alan Green

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