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Sovereign Metals (SVML)

Sovereign controls a globally significant, strategic rutile province across its large ground holding in Malawi, with its flagship project Kasiya, the world’s largest natural rutile deposit.

This globally significant rutile province in Malawi, a stable, transparent jurisdiction known as “the Warm Heart of Africa”. Malawi is increasingly attracting international investment with substantial potential for mining to contribute to the country’s economic growth and development. Central Malawi boasts excellent existing infrastructure including grid power and an excellent sealed road network.

Kasiya is strategically located in close-proximity to the capital city of Lilongwe, providing access to a skilled workforce and mining and industrial services. The location provides access to the operating Nacala Rail Corridor linking to the Indian Ocean deep water port of Nacala in Mozambique, providing a low-cost transport solution and access to major international markets.

The Company’s objective is to develop a large-scale, long life rutile-graphite operation, focusing on developing an environmentally responsible, sustainable and socially uplifting operation.

In September 2023, Sovereign released a Pre-Feasilibility Study confirming that Kasiya has the potential to be one of the world’s largest and lowest cost producers of natural rutile and natural graphite with a carbon-footprint substantially lower than current alternatives while significantly contributing to the social and economic development of Malawi.

Here Sapan Ghai Chief Commercial Officer of Sovereign Metals explains how Sovereign aims to become the world’s largest, lowest-cost and lowest-emissions producer of titanium and graphite.

Following testing, Sovereign Metals CCO Sapan Ghai confirms that graphite from the Kasiya project can be processed into high-quality, battery-grade coated spherical graphite, comparable to top-tier Chinese products, positioning the company as a significant supplier to the battery industry.

Link here to view the latest Sovereign Metals #SVML presentation.

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