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Hornby (HRN) Signals Yet Another Warning

Not only has Hornby issued yet another  profits warning, it is caused by the same old reason which has plagued the company for years – supplies.  They introduced a new Enterprise Resource System ( as these things are now grandly called ) in the UK in June & July and it had a significant adverse impact on trading, as Hornby’s new systems tend to do but lessons have been learnt and over the 10 weeks to 8th November, UK revenue was up by 9% over last year and  a strong end to quarter 3 is expected.

But why couldn’t they get it right in the first place.  Which particular bit of management got it wrong and what has been done about it.

The Board  then decided to hurry up and implement the new system in Spain in October and in Italy, Germany and France in November. And surprise, surprise no lessons had been learned. They got it all wrong again but on a much greater scale.

The disruption in Europe has been significantly  greater than expected and adding in the UK mess up, revenue and profits for the current financial year will be lower than market expectations.   What Hornby is really trying to say is that this years profit will not be a lower profit at all, it will actually be an underlying loss of £2.0m

Shareholders need not fear however, profits will recover next year which in Hornbyspeak presumably means the losses will get bigger..

 It was only in mid September that the Board announced that it was confident that this years financial results would show progress on last year, when finals to the end of March had shown a reported loss before tax of £0.1 m and underlying profit before tax of £1.6m. So the Board thinks a loss of £2m is an improvement on on a profit of £1.6m
Then on the 6th May The Board updated that the current year would be the first year for three years that Hornby has delivered a pre tax profit.
If they can not make even a reasonable guess about the finances of the company they run, how could they hope to manage and bring in new and fundamental systems.
If the Board can get its forecasts so disastrously wrong, if it mismanages a new ERS system in the UK and then makes an even worse hash with the same system in Europe, it has some explaining to do. Come on Hornby Board, we are waiting. Perhaps it will be a long wait
Surprisingly,whilst the shares did fall on the news it was only by a smidgeon.
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