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Caterpillar Sales Indicate World Slump

There are a handful of major international companies which are so huge that they continually reflect the health of the global economy  One of these is Caterpillar, the world’s largest heavy equipment manufacturer for the mining and construction industries and some of  whose products make St. Pauls Cathedral look like a dinky toy.

Caterpillar’s sales have been falling continuously for 39 months and it is getting worse.  In February worldwide sales fell by 42%. Revenue for the first quarter, December to the end of February, was down by 40%.

Leading the way in this slaughter is machine sales to the the mining and construction sectors in Asia  Pacific where in January and February sales slumped by over 50% following December where the fall was just under 50%.

This is serious, it is global and there are no signs of an amelioration. It is bound to seep through to manufacturing industries, service industries, banking and high streets throughout the world. Hard hats should be worn at all times.

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