Home » Catenae Innovation (CTEA) » Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine podcast as we discuss Lloyds #LLOY Persimmon #PSN Corcel #CRCL Catenae Innovation #CTEA and Versarien #VRS

Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine podcast as we discuss Lloyds #LLOY Persimmon #PSN Corcel #CRCL Catenae Innovation #CTEA and Versarien #VRS

Alan Green joins the Podcast as we digest recent updates from FTSE 100 majors such as BP, WPP, Lloyds and Persimmon.

The shares operate in some of the most cyclical industries including commodities, advertising, finance and house building. This broad spread means these companies provide vital insight into the health of the wider economy.

While the recent updates from these companies were strong, the FTSE 100 is yet to breach 7,000 with any conviction, highlighting that investors could have already priced in much of the economic recovery to stock markets. We look at whether this signals we are entering the chapter for stock markets.

We discuss in detail Corcel (LON:CRCL), Catenae Innovation (LON:CTEA) and Versarien (LON:VRS).

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