Application for Admission of the Whole of the Issued Ordinary Share Capital to the Official List and to Trading on the Regulated Market of the London Stock Exchange
Pursuant to a prospectus dated 16th April 2019, the Company announces that it has today applied for the admission by way of an introduction (“Admission”) of the whole of its outstanding ordinary share capital consisting of 255,014,285 existing fully-paid ordinary shares of €0.001 each in the Company (“Shares”) to the standard segment of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Official List.
Trading in the Shares shall commence at 08.00 BST on 8th July 2019 on the regulated market of the London Stock Exchange. IMC shall accordingly request NEX Exchange that the Shares be withdrawn from trading on the NEX Exchange Growth Market with effect from the close of that market on 5th July 2019, being the business day immediately preceding Admission.
Eamon O’Brien,
Executive Chairman,
Dublin, 24th June 2019
This announcement has been made after due and careful consideration; the Directors of IMC accept responsibility for the content.
IMC Exploration Group PLC
Eamon O’ Brien: Tel. +353 87 618 3024
Keith, Bayley, Rogers & Co. Limited
Graham Atthill-Beck: Tel: +44 20 7464 4091/+44 750 643 4107/+971 50 856 9408
E-mail: Graham.Atthill-Beck@kbrl,
Stephen Clayson: Tel: +44 20 7464 4090
Brinsley Holman: Tel: +44 207 464 4098