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Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO)


A global leader in proton beam technology

Proton therapy marketConventional X-ray radiation is used widely in the treatment of many cancers worldwide.

Our next generation of particle treatment, which uses protons, pinpoints tumours more precisely and with more energy thereby potentially offering many patients higher disease-free survival rates and significantly less damage to surrounding healthy tissues.

Beyond providing these clinically superior cancer treatments, Advanced Oncotherapy is also committed to developing a proton therapy system which is much smaller and significantly less expensive than machines currently on the market.

This means that proton therapy will no longer be reserved for a minority of patients, but will be available to many more patients.

Follow Advanced Oncotherapy on Twitter @AdvOnco_AVO


LIGHT System and Testing Facilities

In this video on the Advanced Oncotherapy website, the company provides an inside look at the ground breaking technical development of the LIGHT system at its testing facility in Geneva as well as the critical involvement of CERN’s expertise in applying their knowhow to the treatment of cancers by Proton Beam Therapy.


For more information, visit the company website here



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