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Is Corbyn Labour’s Maggie Thatcher

Never since Maggie Thatcher, “milk snatcher”, was elected leader of the Tories, has a new political leader been met with such outrage. The Daily Telegraph is apopletic and vitriolic in its reaction. Cameron has already declared Corbyn a danger to the country and even a section of his own party is strongly against him.

The problem with Corbyn is that firstly he is not an establishment figure, cuddling up to the chattering classes and the media. More importantly he is a believer and he has dared to think outside the box – just like Maggie.  He is prepared to fight for his beliefs – you would not, I think, find him, unlike Cameron, dashing off to some desert to be introduced in front of the media, to some hand picked refugee family so that he can find out what it is really like out there. How sickeningly patronising that was.

What Cameron and the DT fail to appreciate is that if Corbyn really is as pathetic as they claim, they should be welcoming him with open arms as gauranteeing another decade of Tory misrule.  Who better than Corbyn, a true believer, a true left winger, to tackle the disgrace of the National Health Service which is virtually ceasing to provide treatment in many major areas of medicine, just so that it can keep its huge administration in the style to which it is accustomed.  You never know he might bring back rule by Matron, instead of by some faceless irresponsible quango, fearfully trying to force its latest whistleblowers into silence.

The present political establishment is utterly and absolutely lost about Corbyn for the simple reason that he is “not one of them” and the country has not had a political leader like that for over 30 years. Even if he does not succeed, he might just wake up the other parties enough to make them decide to do something about the ills which beset the country. The shock may in the end be good for all of us.


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