

We have decades of experience trading in capital markets across the world. Our heritage of building algos, market making engines and other cutting edge tools at Investment Banks shines through in our products.


We’ve been working with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies since 2013. We have experience of trading, managing, analysing and even designing decentralised cryptographic assets. We run our own fully automated market making and smart order routing systems for crypto ↔ crypto and crypto ↔ fiat and can supply liquidity to fledgling markets. Our CEO is a market microstructure expert with 20 years experience


As a fintech company with engineering represented at the highest levels, NOUS® actively chose to create key components from scratch. We have built up considerable IP over the years, from front to back end, in multiple languages. We recognised the importance of owning 100% of our supply chain so we are able to test ideas and iterate very quickly, without needing to wait.

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