Home » Feedback (FDBK) » Feedback PLC – NHS England “Alert” on potential application of TexRAD for assessing lung cancer patients

Feedback PLC – NHS England “Alert” on potential application of TexRAD for assessing lung cancer patients

FBKlogoFeedback plc is pleased to announce that the research arm of NHS England has published an “Alert” on the potential application of Feedback’s TexRAD CT texture analysis software for assessing patients with lung cancer. The National Institute for Health Research through its Horizon Scanning Research and Intelligence Centre (NIHR HSRIC) based at the University of Birmingham, England has also posted the Alert on its publicly accessible website. (www.hsric.nihr.ac.uk)

NIHR HSRIC is an academic unit which independently investigates and provides advanced notice of new and emerging medical devices and diagnostics that have the potential to positively impact upon the NHS within the next two years. Before writing the Alert, NIHR HSRIC looked at TexRAD CT texture analysis technology and its potential use for assessing patients with different cancers but particularly for those with lung cancer. The Alert will be distributed within the NHS and to national healthcare organisations and policy makers such as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the UK National Screening Committee.

Dr. Balaji Ganeshan, Chief Scientist & New Business Officer of the Company’s subsidiaries TexRAD Ltd & Cambridge Computed Imaging Ltd commented:  “The Alert from the NHS’s research arm is a significant step towards potentially obtaining NICE approval for TexRAD to be used as a clinical tool for assessing patients with lung cancer. This adds to the recently announced clinical adoption study focused on lung cancer being undertaken by Professor Ken Miles at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. “

For further information contact:

Feedback plc

Tel: 01954 718072

Simon Barrell / Trevor Brown / Tom Charlton

Sanlam Securities UK (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker)

Tel: 020 7628 2200

Simon Clements / Virginia Bull

Peterhouse Corporate Finance Ltd(Joint Broker)

Tel: 020 7469 0936

Lucy Williams / Duncan Vasey


Notes to editors:


TexRAD is a novel sophisticated imaging risk stratification research tool that analyses the textures in existing radiological scans. This research software application analyses textures, detecting and measuring tumour heterogeneity (complexity) from these images, revealing more information from medical images than is readily visible to the naked eye. Research to date has shown that TexRAD could potentially assist the clinician (as an ‘Imaging-Biomarker’) in confident decision-making: it has the potential to assess the prognosis, disease-severity (e.g. risk of metastases) and response evaluation of patients with cancer. Currently TexRAD research has shown great potential in many different oncological sites, including, colorectal, breast, lung, prostate, oesophageal, head & neck, lymphoma, liver and renal cancers and could potentially be employed as a heterogeneity assessing tool in the era of ‘Precision and Personalized Medicine’. TexRAD is manufactured under licence by company Cambridge Computed Imaging Ltd, a subsidiary of Feedback plc. More information is available on www.fbk.com and www.texrad.com.


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