Home » Feedback (FDBK) » Feedback PLC announces the first server sale of TexRAD in Canada

Feedback PLC announces the first server sale of TexRAD in Canada

FBKlogoFeedback plc (FDBK), the medical imaging software company, is pleased to announce its first server sale for research purposes in Canada of the Group’s TexRAD texture analysis software. The software will be installed in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology at the McGill University Health Centre’s Montreal General Hospital site.

The MUHC is one of the leading academic health centres in North America. It was founded in 1997 through the merger of five hospitals including the Montreal General Hospital which was established in 1819 and was one of the world’s first teaching hospitals.

Professor Benoit Gallix, Chairman, Department of Diagnostic Radiology (McGill University Director, MUHC) commented, “We are very excited with the prospect of evaluating the TexRAD imaging research software platform at our institution as a potential imaging risk-stratification tool. TexRAD will form part of a research study of breast cancer patients who have had digital mammography imaging examinations. The MUHC database has approximately 20,000 digital mammograms with clinical follow-up acquired over a period of 15 to 20 years. This comprehensive research study could help to provide an evidence base for the potential application of TexRAD in breast cancer patient management”  

Dr. Balaji Ganeshan, Chief Scientist and New Business Officer at the Group’s subsidiaries TexRAD Ltd and Cambridge Computed Imaging Ltd, commented, “We are delighted to receive this first server order in Canada, particularly from the very prestigious MUHC, Montreal, Quebec and we are honoured to be working with Professor Benoit Gallix and his team. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK with around 55,000 people (predominantly women) diagnosed with the disease every year. Research and development into non-invasive imaging based risk-stratification tools such as TexRAD research software could potentially lead to TexRAD’s use as a supplementary tool in digital mammography to achieve better patient management and improved overall outcomes in the future.”        

For further information contact:

Feedback plc

Tel: 01954 718072

Simon Barrell / Trevor Brown / Tom Charlton

Sanlam Securities UK (Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker)

Simon Clements / Virginia Bull

Tel: 020 7628 2200

Peterhouse Corporate Finance Ltd (Joint Broker)

Tel: 020 7469 0936

Lucy Williams / Duncan Vasey

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