Home » First Class Metals (FCM) » #FCM First Class Metals – Initial Admission

#FCM First Class Metals – Initial Admission

First Class Metals Plc (LSE: FCM), a mineral exploration and development company, with projects in Ontario, Canada is pleased to announce that its entire issued ordinary share capital consisting of 65,672,055 ordinary shares will today be admitted to the Official List (by way of Standard Listing under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules) and to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s Main Market for listed securities (together, the “Admission”). Dealings in the shares will commence today at 08.00 a.m., 29th July 2022 under the ticker ‘FCM’. The ISIN number is GB00BPJGTF16 and the SEDOL is BPJGTF1.

Upon Admission, the company will have a market capitalisation of £6.56m, following a successful total fundraise of £1.13m (before expenses) at the price of 10 pence per Ordinary Share (“the placing” & “the Subscription”)



–     Successful £1.13 million fundraising at 10p per share

–     With effect from Admission First Class, will have seven gold, base and battery metal exploration projects in Ontario, Canada (the “Projects”)

–     The Flagship Project is North Hemlo, a District Scale 90km2 property which is prospective for gold, nickel, copper, zinc and molybdenum.

–     JV/Earn-In with Palladium One Inc (TSXV: PDM) at Pickle Lake.

–     Exploration work already underway across the majority of properties.

–     Convertible Loan Note of £300,000 converted into equity in addition to the Placing and Subscription.

–     The proceeds of the Fundraising will be used to undertake exploration and development expenditure of the Projects and provide working capital to cover ongoing annual administrative and operating costs.



James Knowles, Executive Chairman of First Class Metal Plc, commented

“We are delighted to start trading on the Main List of the London Stock Exchange today and that First Class Metals has satisfied all the requirements for an LSE Standard Listing.

The company has an outstanding portfolio of assets in the Hemlo-Schreiber Greenstone Belt of Ontario Canada. Seven projects in total, including the ‘flagship’ project North Hemlo and has a diverse holding of six other projects across this metal endowed belt. The commodities being explored and developed on are gold and precious metals, along with nickel which will be highly sought after in tomorrow’s EV and battery storage world.

The projects in Ontario all show a propensity for expansion, with numerous occurrences and showings to develop with further exploration. We have already made progress on the exploration front in 2022 with an airborne low level geo-physics and ground exploration across most of the properties in progress or completed.

We look forward to building on the initial exploration and further adding value to projects as soon as possible.”


Please visit our website at www.firstclassmetalsplc.com

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“MAR”), and is disclosed in accordance with the Company’s obligations under Article 17 of MAR.

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For further information, please contact:


First Class Metals PLC

James Knowles, Executive Chairman                                        07488 362641

Mark Sale, Chief Executive Officer                                             07711 093532

Ayub Bodi, Executive Director                                                    07860 598086


First Equity Limited (Financial Adviser & Broker)                 020 7374 2212

Jonathan Brown

Jason Robertson

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